
Luca Fruzza
Visual Designer

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2004 – Present.
I’ve been working as a freelance visual designer collaborating with firms and communication agencies such as Gucci (brandbook 2008), BiosOmnia (Ioniflex website), Graphic srl (graphic design and realization of scientific and promotional publications for Roche Diagnostic Italia), Tellnet (graphic consulting in the context of the transition from Quark X-Press to InDesign for the Giorgio Mondadori and Cairo Editore magazines, and online dailys pagination), Wit Design (brand re-design and brandbook for Radio KissKiss, image editing for multimedia works), Atlantis Advertising (Sennheiser Catalogue 2005, packaging studies and projects for Valera), Rebelot (pagination of DiSaronno News magazine) Assert (visual projects for events, graphic design of publications for Regione Lombardia), Accent on Design (pagination of Annuario della Compagnia delle Opere), Dorland (direct marketing catalogues design and pagination), IERE (packaging projects), Relco Group (websites re-styling, manteinance and upgrading), Cantine Alziati (corporate identity project, website project and building, promotional material), Itineriamo (website visual project), Fabbri contemporary art (website) Almora Bologna (website), Widmann srl (products catalogue 2006).

September 2003 – May 2004.
I’ve been working at Kaleidostudio (Milano) on graphic design and pagination of school books, magazines and house organs.

May 1994 – July 2003.
I’ve been working as a graphic designer at DA studio in Milano, with customers such as Provincia di Milano (brandbook graphic design, redaction and pagination; graphic design and pagination of Vademecum dell’Amministrazione Provinciale; system of signs for Parco Idroscalo) Metropolitana Milanese (brand design, system of signs and cartography for Passante Ferroviario Milanese); Regione Lombardia (cartography for the Regional Transport System, graphic project and pagination for books and magazines), ATM (cartography for Milano area public transport network), Azienda Varesina Trasporti (Varese city map).

In the while I had some spot collaborations with Casiraghi-Greco communication agency (ad campigns and illustrations for Pagine Utili Mondadori) and with Publitime (working on the design of the visual aspects of events, from graphic material up to ambience set-ups)

September 1992 – December 1993
I’ve been working as a CAD drawer in the Architect Rolando Gantes’ studio in Milano.

Extra activities
I’ve been part of the Italian artistic collective known as otolab (otolab.net).

